Important links
Open Access Library ( is an academic search engine and publisher. You can download research papers for free and submit your paper to it.
Z-Library (abbreviated as z-lib, formerly BookFinder) is a shadow library project for file-sharing access to scholarly journal articles, academic texts, and general-interest books.
It intends to give good services to its users. As an academic library, INES library aims to deliver the quality services to its users in order to satisfy their needs in information. Library rules and regulations are set in order to help all INES-Ruhengeri library users to be aware of the library services and how to access and benefit from them. In line with the idea of providing efficient service in conductive atmosphere within its facilities, users are required to comply with these library rules and regulation as stated below. These regulations replace others signed on 4th October 2011.
Accessibility to the library services
INES library is reserved for the following users: • INES students
• INES academics and administrative staffs
• INES Board of Directors
• INES founders and their relatives
• People under special partnership with INES
• Any other users from outside of INES community who have requested for permission and have been granted permission by the Library Management.
Services offered
The services offered by INES Ruhengeri library are as follow:
• Lending/borrowing services
• Reference services
• User education/guidance services
• E-resources services
• Reading room with wireless connection.
Services hours
INES library is opened according to the following schedule:
Opening Hours
Day Time Monday-Friday 7:30 am-8:30pm Saturday 8:00am-5:00pm Sunday and public holidays: Closed
Code of conduct
• All library users shall leave their bags and property at the entrance of the library and are supposed to be checked (where a need be) as they go out of the library. • All library users must keep silence while in the library and its surroundings. It is strictly prohibited to smoke, eat, drink and receive or make telephone calls while in the library, the telephone must be in vibration or silence mode.
• Failure to abide with these rules can lead to penalties including expulsion from the library services.
• As a public place, the library declines responsibilities with regards to any theft of personal belongings left in the library.
• All library documents must be handled with care. Torn covers or pages or any other damage to documents must be reported to staff immediately.
Borrowing rules Most books in library may be borrowed by authorized users for use outside INES.
• To borrow a document, a user is requested to present a student’s card which is given back when returning the document after 7days for ordinary books and 1 day for books cited below
• INES academic staffs and administrative staffs are allowed to borrow a maximum of three (3) documents at once for a period one month renewable term.
• INES Students can borrow a maximum of two (2) books at one point in time for a one (1) week renewable term. • INES outside users must present ID card and have freedom to use library documents/books and return them at the same date. • INES library uses indirect access, it means that students are not allowed to enter in the library store-books, but when a student is in the last year, is given a priority to enter there after asking the permission to the librarian.
Some books are put on borrowing conditions
The following are some documents given out to the library users on short time (one day)
• Reference documents
,encyclopedias,dictionaries,dissertations and thesis,periodical(magazine and news papers),books that are available in limited copies and on hight demand ,books that still in treatment(cataloguing ,classification, labeling )process . • For inventory purposes, all documents borrowed must be returned at the end of the every year for stock taking. Overdue fines Library materials must be returned on due date; Failure to do this will result into penalties and more administrative measures shall be taken against the offender. The following fines and penalties shall be imposed on those who will break these borrowing rules and regulations: A fine shall be paid by the user if he/she delays with a borrowed material as follows: • For the reference documents, dissertations and thesis the user pays 1,000Rwf per document and per day delayed; • For other documents the fine is 500Rwf per document per day delayed. • In case of loss or damage, the borrower will be required to replace the book/document with the same title and pay a fine equal to days delayed. However, if the borrower proves that the kind of book borrowed is no longer on the market, he/she will pay immediately times five of the cost of the book after getting the approval from the library management. He /she must also pay additional fine equivalent to days delayed. E-resources E-resources are any information source that library provides access to any electronic formats such as e-books-journals, online database. E-resource passwords will be available in computer labs in order to facility research of our students. The list and the links of the e-resources that INES is registered to are accessible via the INES website. Username and password (where applicable) are known from library. E-books are available via library machines and some Lab of INES-Ruhengeri. Consulting online catalogue Before borrowing any document, user should consult the library catalogue for bibliographical reference. She/he may consult librarian when getting difficulties to find out information.
NIYIGENA Flavien | Acting Director of Library | Systems Librarian | 0785637891 |
SIIMA Rebecca | Librarian | 0787889233 | |
NTIRIBURAKARYO Floride | Librarian | 0788223732 |